Shareholder Update – December 2018
Starting today, we will regularly update you with news about Ockel Investments, the team, the products and much more.
Firstly, we would like to thank you for the investment you’ve made to our company. We warmly welcome you to the Ockel team, as a contributor and true shareholder. In this first Shareholders Update we will brief you on what’s upcoming in the next few months regarding your investment.
Shareholder Certificate
All investors will receive a Shareholder Certificate, as a token of appreciation for your investment. Although this certificate is purely a symbolic gesture, we are working on the official distribution of your tokens. We plan to distribute the Ockel tokens in the first months of 2019 and once distributed, you’ll receive an official proof of investment (Certificate of shares/ tokens), which may also be used for tax authority purposes.
Ethereum Wallet
In order to receive your Ockel tokens, you’ll need an ERC20 compatible Ethereum wallet. In January we will share a tutorial on how to set-up a ERC20 wallet. As soon as you have a wallet we can start the whitelisting process in order to distribute your tokens correctly.
Happy Holidays
2018 was a great year for Ockel Computers with the long awaited release of the Ockel Sirius A (Pro), our official online shop and the launch of Ockel Investments. We will continue our mission to reinvent the PC in 2019. Stay tuned as we have some big (pocket-sized) things planned for next year!
Best wishes for 2019,
The Ockel Team.